Verity is a leading independent investigation consultancy providing services to a wide range of industries and market sectors.

Starplus Production Ltd. is a corporate and event photography agency in Hong Kong. We produce: - executive portraits - corporate head-shots - corporate photography - event photography - banquet P
攝影及影音 / 攝影Hong Kong Photographer | Star Plus Production

素有“九大仙草之首”美稱, 新鮮鐵皮石斛鮮條,原汁原味完全吸收鐵皮石斛的功用價值,養胃明目,美容滋陰,促進人體新陳代謝


創業首選~深水埗西九龍中心八樓美食廣場零售鋪 8F63 64 相連 實用108平方呎 月租$10,000 租金包管理費,差餉,冷氣及電費~ 1年租期 美食廣場人流超多,適合各零售,格仔鋪及服務行業(按摩,美容),創業首選~~~ 有意可致電到 2360 3585 李先生 / 2360 1452 顏小姐 查詢 如有任何查詢,歡迎於辦公時間與我們聯絡。
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